5 Minute Fat Loss

by Olson Applications Ltd

Health & Fitness


Kick start your way to a new body with these intense 5 minute fat loss workouts designed to burn fat and lose weightAll sessions have timed rest and exercise periods to ensure workouts take no more than 5 minutes - even the busiest people should be able to find 5 minutes a day to exercise!All workouts are designed to help you tone up, burn calories and help weight loss. Each exercise has detailed instructions and clear animations making it ideal for beginners.Stay motivated and focused on your goals with exercise targets that vary according to your progress. Separate fat loss workouts for men and women to target key trouble spots.Feel you can do more than 5 minutes? Do 2 workout sessions back to back and feel the calories burn!A wide range of different fat loss exercises so you can lose weight, tone up and burn fat. See what you can achieve in just 5 minutes a day